Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fun, fun weekend....

This past Friday was my mom's birthday. My dad, being a wonderful husband, flew in all of her daughters and daughter-in-laws as a surprise to celebrate. The grand kids were an extra bonus. (Let's be honest, once kids are in the picture I think the fact that we're there is an afterthought.) At any rate we had a good time celebrating and being together. The weekend included a wonderful breakfast at the Original Pancake House, the zoo, swimming, b-b-queing, and just a lot of good time together. Here's most of the crew stopping for snacks at the zoo.
Ella showing off her swimming skills at the pool.

Such a big girl, playing with the rings.
Savannah and Ella scheming together.

We put the kids in the crib to have fun together. One child thought it was bedtime and was not happy.

This is our brave one year old, feeding the giraffe, at the zoo.

Ella and Lucy dancing together.
Trying to educate my daughter on the wonderful animals.

Ella enjoyed being so close to the grizzlies.

Slathering on the sunscreen.

P.S. Josh and Simone also had a very fun weekend. We pricelined them a hotel up in the SLC for a weekend getaway. They enjoyed touring Temple Square and This is the Place Heritage Park. I also think with those two there was quite a bit of hotel swimming and some good eating out. Let's cross our fingers that when we head home tomorrow they'll have taken some great pictures of their weekend as well.


Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

This weekend has been sooo much fun!! Thank you so much for coming and surprising me and making it a very memorable and loveable weekend.
Love you all so much!!!!

lesley said...

Rigdon (Lesley and Trevor) are really needing a visit from Lindsay (Ella) soon.

bbond said...

Grizzly bears and crib pictures - awesome

Lauren said...

So much fun having you guys here! Very cute pictures! :)

beezbond said...

who hand feeds giraffes