Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We've been blessed.....

Two things I'd like to focus on in today's blog, both for which we are very grateful:

Numero Uno: Our family's amazing opportunities and Josh's hard work.

This first year at BYU Josh had a tough load of many pre-requisites, in order apply for the Accounting Program. We knew that getting into the Accounting Program was not going to be an easy feat and that he had his work cut out for him. It was intimidating and inspiring to know that The Public Accounting Report and The U.S. News and World Report had ranked BYU's Accounting Program 2nd in the nation.

We have been blessed and grateful to learn last week that Josh has been accepted into BYU's Accounting Program. I'm so happy for and proud of my husband and all of the hard work he has put into school . Yay for Josh.

Numero dos: I've just been thinking today of how grateful I am for one of my jobs. I have been very blessed to have found a couple of great part time jobs here in Provo. We have been able to work around Josh's school schedule so that I can work, yet we can stay home with the kids. The job I am grateful for today, and everyday is Mrs. Wing. I found her in the Daily Universe. She advertised herself as an elderly lady who just wanted a little extra help. During the school year I took Ella with me almost everyday, now that it's summer she only comes with me about 50%. Anyway, we go to her house to do just about anything from cook, clean, grocery shop, take her to appt.s and whatever else we can think of to do. I can't tell you how enjoyable this has been. Today we went over to her house for a couple of hours and just sat and chatted with her as we cooked out of her cookbook. We made a delicious fruit salad, and then an equally good pasta salad. I am so grateful for the time I have been able to spend with her. There is a lot to be learned from an 86 year old woman who grew up on a farm, is an amazing cook, raised 4 kids on her own on a teacher's salary and that values her religion and education more than most things. This job has provided for us, taught me a lot and just been very enjoyable. She also thinks Ella is the smartest, and cutest thing that has ever walked the earth, which doesn't hurt either :)

The only thing that makes me sad is how much I would enjoy spending this time with my own grandparents; however, we have enjoyed the love and lessons we have learned from Mrs. Wing.


Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

You have been blessed this year!
Congratulations again to Josh. We are very proud of him!!

I am so glad you have the opportunity to help Mrs. Wing. I know you enjoy it.

Give Simone and Ella a big hug!
Love you.

Michael and Marie said...

Congrats Lindsay and Josh, that's awesome that you'll be starting the program this fall. Can't tell you how nice it's been to have you guys and cute little Ella here in Provo this past year. Love you guys.

candicetheresa said...

You have been blessed and deservedly so! Congrats on Accounting Josh!

emily said...

Yea! Josh!!!!! Way to go.