Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This was our cuteness after taking a 4 hour nap, right after going swimming.
Here she is after Simone "made her fancy."
And again, trying to be like Simone, she is ready to go swimming!

I have been horrible at taking pictures of the girls this summer! Ella has had way more taken of her, because Simone does all the taking of pictures. Maybe next summer it will be evened out, if Ella is old enough to take some of Simone!


Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

So fancy and sooo grown up. She must be preparing to be a BIG sister!!!

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness! She looks older than she did when she was in Minnesota! How crazy! I love her fancy picture....well I love all of them. And wearing the goggles, she's adorable. She's getting so big. She'll make a cute big sister!

David & Eliza said...

I love the goggles! And I'm sure Lucy could get into getting fancy with Ella when we see you guys in a few days! Thanks for posting a picture of cute little Adele.. finally : )