Sunday, November 15, 2009

A New Post....

We're still here! Life has been crazy. I still have 4 weeks left, and I'm as big now as I was at the very end with Ella! AGH! This one has also been harder on me. I have almost no feeling in my right hand and am worried about my circulation. We're just praying she joins us sooner rather than later.

Besides that life has been pretty normal. Ella is cute and growing. We just had her 18 month appointment this week. She's 99% for height and 81% for weight....good job Ella! Josh is continuing to do well at school, he's crazy busy, but doing well. I'm just plugging along and doing my thing as well. I'm still working all 3 jobs right now. Other than that life is good, we're happy and doing well. Here's a pic and video for those who might be Ella admirers. (They also happen to be about the only pic and video that have been taken lately....whoops!)

Eating her own cereal for breakfast - and proud of it!
Learning how to do a somersault.


candicetheresa said...

4 weeks! You're almost there!!

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness! How CUTE!!! I love how adorable she is!!! I miss that one, and I"m so excited to see you guys soon for Thanksgiving :)

Kristin said...

I'm so glad you found my blog. That is totally something I've been meaning to ask you about. Yeah the whole cleaner thing doesn't sound super promising...they were cleaning out our window with a kitchen scrubber?? I swear we aren't that messy of people...I did clean the windows before we left...apparently I missed a spot. Anyway, Ella is so cute and such a sweetheart. Call me anytime to babysit!

Jill and Kevin said...

She is too cute. Congrats on the new baby coming! Alice loves to do somersaults too. So fun.