She's here! Adele Ryann Stark joined us at 5:35 P. M. Saturday the 12th. She is 8 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 inches long.
We've loved getting to know her. Josh and I can see differences from Ella already! It's crazy, when you have one child you just assume that's how they'll all turn out. We're excited for the new journey this will bring us on. So far we know that she likes to eat and sleep...

Got to the hospital at 9:45 A.M. to be induced, I started at 3 cm. I was in a bed and got hooked up to Penicillin and Pitocin at 11. Got the epidural about 11:30. Layed there until 3, when they decided to break my water. By this time I had only dilated about 2 cm. Only dilated 1 cm that next hour. After that first hour everything else came fast and furious. I started pushing at 5:30 and she was here at 5:35. Such a huge contrast from Ella! Thank-you Adele for being fast....thank-you Ella for paving the way :)
More pics to come soon!
What a cute little bundle of joy! I'm SO excited to see her soon!
What a beautiful baby girl! Gosh, you forget how tiny they are huh?! Glad this one went quickly for you! I am hoping to cut my pushing time at least in half the next time around too! I can't wait to meet her! Maybe Emi and I will come by and visit once you've had time to settle in and all that! I'll give you a call after the holidays! Congratulations and I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!
Awesome. Congratulations! How big is she?
congrats!!! She is adorable!!!
Congrats! I'm glad everything went so fast! That is such a blessing!
So glad to here everything went so smooth this time around!! She is beautiful. Congratulations!
I love the pictures. She is so sweet. I can't wait to come by and see her! Congratulations!
Beautiful. Miss you guys. Hope to see you over the holidays.
She is just beautiful! I love the bow! I'm so glad this labor was better for you! Love the pictures and I can't wait for more! And I hope we will get to meet her soon!
She's adorable! Congrats on #2! I hope all continues well and that you are able to get some sleep, etc. We're looking forward to meeting her!
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