Sunday, September 5, 2010

Just growing up....

Adele has been known to choke on anything, so I was excited yesterday when we tried watermelon and it was a hit. She was loving it.

When I took out the camera to capture Adele, Ella wanted to be a part of the action too, so here she is eating watermelon :)

I love how the girls are getting to an age where they are playing "together". Here they are behind the chair.

Making up some game in the hallway.
That's it! Happy Sunday!


Kristin said...

It's crazy how fast they change. Ella (physically) just looks like the same adorable little girl you left with, but Adelle has changed so much!!! I can't believe how big she is.

Lauren said...

What cute little girls! Oh how I miss them. I can't wait to see those cute things in a month. Adele looks like she's going to be a cute little redhead! LOVE the pics :)