We carved our pumpkins tonight. Both girls had a blast. Ella refused to use her hands in the goop, and preferred the spoon scoop method. Adele preferred the spoon eat method, or the grab the goop and put it back in the pumpkin method :)
Adele having a little fun post de-gooping stage.

She's serious about this stuff. This was some tricky business.

Try number 27....2 half smiles...we'll take it!

The final product. Pumpkin on the left, total Ella masterpiece. Middle pumpkin, Ella drew the face, Josh carved the face. Pumpkin on the right, Ella drew a cougar, I carved the letters...BYU...booyah.

Trial run.

P.S. In so many ways Adele and Ella are the same person, which I hope will lead to a best friendship for the eternities. However, below you will notice one noted difference. Ella wouldn't watch cartoons until she was almost 2. Adele would assume this position all day if you would let her. :)
What cute girls enjoying their pumpkin carving! I love Ella's masterpiece and her drawing of her jack-o-lantern face. Fun times! Love you guys!
I love Ella's cougar, yours not so much! It shouldn't be booyah, it should be booooo!
Oh my goodness how I love those girls! They are so adorable! I love the "scoop" method. That is how I prefer to do it as well :) Love the end products, the pumpkins look great!!
I too disgust in pumpkin gooo
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