Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Afternoon.

We finally have fall in Provo! We took this beautiful Sunday afternoon (when some unmentioned daughters decided not to nap) to take a Sunday drive. We drove up Hobble Creek Canyon. It is beautiful! We loved being surrounded by mountains, nature and beauty. We drove, putzed, admired and tromped around. The girls loved playing in the leaves. Here we are attempting to take a family pic.

Deli playing in the leaves....I love her!

Ella, running away from the family picture :)

Lastly, we have a fun visitor in town! Lauren! Ella has been in heaven having the attention and love from Lauren. They have been buddies. We love having Lauren, and have had a good time. Lauren and I even got to have a sisters date last night to the BYU homecoming football game. We must have been good luck, because we won!
We hope to have a long, beautiful fall, we love it!


Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

Fun pictures! I hope we all have a long beautiful fall! I can't wait to come visit soon!
Love you guys.

Kristin said...

That sounds so fun. We actually tried to take a drive up that canyon. Marc had gone up there to play golf and said it was beautiful, but we ended up not finding it, and turning around. Haha...we'll have to get some directions from you guys next time. :)

Lauren said...

It was SO much fun being with you guys, I miss you already. Tell those cute girls I love them :)