Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A little love from my loves...

Here are some random pictures downloaded from the camera tonight.

Am I a strict mom? Absolutely! ;) But occasionally I do let my one year old have her own bag of princess fruit snacks. Look at that smile, wouldn't you?

One of Adele's favorite things to do during bath time is to dunk her face in the bubbles and then come up laughing. It also happens to provide me with some comical relief everyday.

Grandma Karen sent Adele a new coat today. She is now an official member of the Stark clan :)

This video is sideways, sorry! Really just watch it if you're a Grandma, it's Ella doing Yoga. I loved it, but I'm her mom :)

I tried to take a video to show off how well Adele uses a fork. She fails to show off that skill in this video...but she's still cute! Again, I'm biased...I'm her mom!


Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

I love Miss Bubbleface/Don't-Make-me-Show-How-to-Use-a-Fork!! And I love Miss Salutations-to-the-Sun yoga girl!! Cute people!
Thanks for posting!
Love you guys

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness, could your girls get any cuter!? Seriously! Deli is SO adorable, and yes I would give her her own package of fruit snacks anyday. Ella doing Yoga....SO cute! I LOVE those cute lil things. :) Keep posting pics and videos, I LOVE them!

beezbond said...

always enjoy the updates