3 weeks ago
Monday, February 7, 2011
My DELI !!!
My Deli Bear is one of the greatest blessings life has given me. I wanted to write a post to share my love for her and verbalize some of the ways that she is special, unique, and our Deli.
1.) She talks A LOT! Most of it is still unrecognizable; however, my mom thinks it sounds like she has a German accent, and Josh has recently started to warn people to stand back...she's a spit talker and can sometimes get you wet!
2.) She loves the dishwasher. I know-what one year old doesn't? But she REALLY loves the dishwasher. Today when I was unloading dishes I caught her face down trying to lick up the residue water...yuck! I know!
3.) Deli likes to eat like it's her job. To this day when we eat out or order out we still usually don't order Ella something separate. We assume she'll just pick off of others. We definitely have to order Adele something separate, she's serious about food and started crying when I ate one of her strawberries today.
4.) She knows some great kung fu/ultimate fighter moves that she saves for when I'm changing her diaper. The second her diaper is off she does this fast kick twist and she's off. She then "runs" away laughing, usually also slapping her belly.
5.) She's starting to have a definite opinion. Granted 95% of the time she is still very mellow and won't put up a fuss when Ella steals every toy away from her, but that other 5% of the time, when she wants something -SHE WILL LET YOU and the rest of the state of Utah know! It's a great combination of yell/cry/tongue out/tears rolling kind of ordeal.
***A background story on her nickname***
Before she was born we planned on naming her Adele, and calling her Ade, pronounced (ah-dee). I don't think we called her that once. While we were in the hospital, a nurse came to take her to do her hearing test. As she was rolling Adele away she started to talk to her. This is how the conversation went:
Nurse: "I saw you were born last night. Out of all the babies who were born, your name is my favorite. If you were my friend I would call you Deli."
When she was out of the room and out of earshot I looked at Josh and said:
"Deli?! That's so ugly!"
Maybe I take that back. I don't think it's ugly, in fact, it fits her perfectly! Thank-you hearing test nurse!
There are so many things that make our Adele special. We love her so much and we love having her in our family...she makes us complete...for now :)
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Haha...I love the story about Deli. So funny. I think it's super cute. She is a doll...I seriously can't believe how grown up she is.
What a fun and wonderful ode to Deli!! Lauren and I laughed and smiled through the whole thing together! I love our Deli Bear too!! I think I need to come and snuggle her and have wet German conversations with her soon!!!
I LOVE DELIA Bear! Oh my goodness she's way too cute! What a cute little Delia Bear. :)
Yeah! We LOVE Adele too! And Joey can never get enough of her. She better watch out for when he can finally start moving around on his own.
What a cute girl! I think Deli is an adorable name. And my little Finn is a major dishwasher fan as well! It stresses me out b/c I'm always worried he's going to hit the corner. :)
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