Last week the city spent 3 days digging and re-filling holes on the street outside our house. While this was not conducive to sleeping in, it was the best entertainment our girls have had in some time. It took some real bribing to get them to come inside.

This past Saturday Ella and dad went to their first kid's workshop at Home Depot. They came back rather quickly. I asked Josh what had happened, why had they come back so soon? He told me that Ella didn't want to wear her apron and that she got nervous that there were so many other kids there. The funny thing is that she wore her apron for the next 48 hours. At any rate, they enjoyed a dad/daughter date out on our porch, assembling her flower planter. :) Ella loves "her project" and also carried it around quite a bit.

This next picture shows Ella and Adele to a tea. Ella acting crazy, and Adele taking notes on how she's supposed to be acting. These two are enjoying each other so much these days it's so fun....most of the time. With the fun they have also started to disagree, as siblings sometimes do, but for the most part they have so much fun laughing, playing and being together.

P.S. Adele's hair is getting crazier and curlier by the day, but we love it! Luckily she's got cousin Savannah paving the way for her, so that she'll know how to cut/style it when she gets older :)
So cute. I didn't even know Home Depot did that. That's so cool! Those girls are just so cute!
fond memories of home depot dates with the kids though usually it was rindy
one of Mac's best birthday parties was there
SOOOO cute! I love those girls! The pictures are adorable. They are both getting so big, and I LOVE the craziness of Deli Bear's hair. It's way too cute!!
Thank you for the darling post!
Cute pictures! Can't wait to see you guys this week : )
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