We are currently working on looking at the camera and smiling. Both very difficult concepts-I know! Until then, we have a lot of photos like the following....
Another quick note: By the end of the day Ella was loving all of the attention, but the first half of the day she seemed shy/embarrassed about it being her birthday and getting so much attention. She has understood for a long time that she was going to turn 3 on May 2nd and that she'd get presents, and the theory sounded great to her. However, she had many birthday well wishers singing her songs and for the first few she would run away from the phone every time. After Jonathan, Amanda and Savannah called to sing to her she told me:
"Mom, I like my presents, I just don't like that it's my birthday."
Funny, funny girl. Also, this morning while opening all of her presents she kept hugging Josh and I and telling us thank-you and how much she liked her presents; however, after the opening was done she told me:
"Mom, my presents aren't my favorite, but I do really like them."
I laughed and thought....what were we missing? In her mind what was the perfect present that we just didn't pull through on- maybe a puppy?
We love you so much Ella Bear and can't believe how fast 3 years have gone....we look forward to many more!
Ella!!!! How big you are!! Miss you and your mom and dad and baby A. xoxo
Happy Birthday Ella Bella!! What a cute little 3 year old. I'm glad that she had such a great day.
She is so funny! I love the comment about liking getting presents, but just not liking it being her birthday...the older I get the more I feel that way too! Happy Birthday Ella!!!
happy birthday miss ella
I can't believe Ella is 3.
The other day I was looking at some photos from last summer and remembering how much fun we had with Lesley and your crew. Hope we can get together again soon. You aren't going to be here for the cousin camping trip are you?
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