Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some people call us crazy - We call him Everett!!!

He is here!!! Everett Ervin Stark joined us on 8-8-11 at 6:12 PM, weighing in at 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long. He also has long feet, like his dad and sisters....Josh already wants to know if they make hockey skates this little?

He came into this world crying for the first 45 minutes of life! Josh and I laughed and wondered if it was ever going to stop. Fortunately - it did!

All cleaned up.

First visitors! Grandma has been a miracle worker around here running circles to keep our house going and in order. Thank-you so much mom!!! We love you!

We will let you guess who could hold Everett all day long if we let her.....literally! Simone has been a great big sister and helper!
P.S. There are still some other cute faces around these parts. Some are handling the arrival of our new bundle better than others. Ella has been very emotional and slightly oppositional. Adele has well.....been overly obsessed with the baby. To say that her motherly instincts have kicked in would be an understatement. If we let her, she would kiss him, hold him, and put his blanket over him all day long. She has had a couple of melt-downs when she hasn't been able to hold him, but overall has been handling it very well.

We love them all so much and are so grateful for our cute kids! We are grateful for the help of friends and family during our crazy, transitions in life right now. I will post more pictures soon, with a less goopy, more alive looking baby - until then there's only one thing left to say. "Welcome Home Everett, Welcome Home!"


Lindsey said...

Congrats! I didn't even realize you were that close. I guess I froze you in time while I left.

Sally said...

Congratulations! I am sure Grandpa Wilson did a happy dance over Everett's middle name. Good luck with the move.

beezbond said...

Cute guy
Anxious to meet him
Travel safely

bbond said...

congrats! hopefully i will get to see you guys here in Naperville

Kristin said...

So cute! He definitely looks like a Stark! How funny that Adelle is so sweet with him. I would have thought she'd have the harder adjustment. So funny. Congratulations!

Lauren said...

YAY! Congrats! Everett is a CUTIE, I can't wait to meet him. And of course I love your girls as well! I'm so glad they are so excited to have a new baby brother. :)

Julie said...

Congrats! They are all so cute.

Rina said...

Congratulations Crazy Lady! He is ADORABLE! (so are the girls)

Nicole said...

awwww he's a cutie, congratulations! looks like his sisters will take good care of him :)

candicetheresa said...

you're amazing

Lisa Michelle said...

congrats, Lindsay!!! He is darling!