Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had some friends over today to make our Valentine's Hershey Kiss, Rice Krispy Treats! We had a good time. Ella and Adele enjoyed helping/eating. Ella is actually very excited about the concept of Valentine's this year, and we've had fun doing some fun things.

I love these girls!!! P.S. It is true, our 6 month old son has weaned himself of a pacifier, and our 26 month old daughter is still VERY emotionally and physically dependent upon hers. One day we'll look back on this and laugh. Right?!? ;)


Kristin said...

That looks so fun!

By the way Hailey is sending Ella a very late home made valentine card. She had a broke down the other day and said she just wanted to see Ella, and was crying. She really loves her. A valentine will have to do until we make our way to Chicago. ;)

Carly said...

Those pictures turned out so cute! I love all of those giant kisses all together, such a fun day! Thanks for volunteering to have craziness enter your house:) It was a blast!

Elizabeth Wilson said...

Adele's pacifier is half of her character, and she's just too gosh darn cute with it in her mouth. Don't ever let her stop using it!

beezbond said...

One day - like 15 years from now