Monday, February 13, 2012

A little stir crazy...

About a week ago we got hit hard with the gunk! We had fevers, runny noses, coughs and ear infections. It was more than the regular cold, and definitely put us out of commission for a week. It was also bad enough, that we had a Sunday night family activity of Clorox wiping all of our toys!!!

By the end of the week the girls had enough of being cooped up inside the house. I was giving Everett a bath, they were playing in their room. All of a sudden I heard, "mom, look!" There was a lot of laughing, they thought they were sooooooooooo funny! They were :)

This little guy is just wondering what he got himself into!
We're happy to be all better, and to be getting out again. Being stuck in the house all day is never fun!

1 comment:

Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

Nothing better than underwear and pants on your head!!! Those kooky kids!! Love them so much. Just wait, they will suck Everett into all the craziness soon!