I haven't been a great blogger! These cute kids are growing up so fast and I need to do some documenting!
We haven't had a lot of snow this Winter, but we've sure utilized what we have had! We have a teeny hill out our back door that the girls have loved sledding down! They also have enjoyed just being out and playing in the snow. It's nice that I can send them out and watch them while I make dinner!

This cute buddy doesn't get nearly enough pictures taken of him. I know this is silly, but when I had Everett I wondered if I would be able to bond with him like I had with my daughters. I feel like Ella and Adele are my best friends, and I worried about my ability to do that with my little buddy. Boy was I WRONG!!! My heart could not love anything more if I tried!!! SERIOUSLY! He is such a joy in our family and in my life. He and I have an amazing bond, I just hope it endures, even after he finds a wife and stuff. ;) I truly feel so blessed to be his mom. He is at one of those stages that you just want to freeze. He is growing up, he is smart, funny and overall a happy little buddy! More than anything he loves balls. He loves shooting basketballs in his hoop, or racing around the kitchen with a hockey stick and a tennis ball. He also enjoys playing catch and throwing balls in the sink while I'm trying to do dishes. I LOVE my little buddy!

Cute Ella! Ella is also smart, funny, loves doing crafts and enjoys being with her family. She enjoys anything to do with school, playing school, talking about school and doing quiz questions. She is also a good rule follower and older sister to her siblings! She is also a girly-girl (I don't know where she got that). She has better fashion sense than I, and recently started drawing eye-shadow on her princesses when she's coloring....say what?!?!
These next couple of pictures are from a Valentine's party we went to at a friend's house. They let the kids make their own pizzas and their own cookies. They loved it!
These next three pictures are of a playdate with Adele's friend Lainey. We met Lainey at swimming lessons. Lainey has since become Adele's best friend. They truly are kindred spirits and are so similar! They love each other so much. I love how well they get along and how happy they make each other! It doesn't hurt that Lainey has really fun parents that I like playdating with too. :)
Adele is truly our goofball. She comes up with very mature/witty jokes on her own already. She is ALWAYS up for a good time, including anything that will keep her active and keep her laughing! She also is our master snuggler. She is so much fun to be around and adds such a fun dynamic to our family.
This last picture helps depict why one of our nicknames for Everett is "dopey dope". He gives you this stare with these dopey eyes and cheeks. We love it. We love him.
That's just a little update. Mostly for journaling purposes, and to get a couple of new pictures up on our blog!
***disclaimer. Adele is wearing the same dress in all of these pictures. No they are not from the same day. She just really loves this dress! It's a sad day when it has to go through the laundry. Good news is that we're getting our money's worth out of it!