Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I have not been the best blogger lately, despite the many fun activities we've done. I've actually been an even worse picture taker....oh well! A week or two ago we took the Friday night to go have some Sundance fun. We rode the chair lift up, hiked down, and then enjoyed some sandwiches, smoothies and fruit at the deli.

We had a lot of fun and two very tired girls afterwards. We whipped out the Baby Bjorn, for one last hoorah, and mostly because we were afraid of a squirmy Ella on the chairlift.
Family picture at the top.

The troopers on the hike down.

What is the saying, "if you can't beat them, join them?" After many repeated attempts at getting Ella to not stand on the dishwasher, I finally just had to take a picture....whoops!
P.S. Josh had some great "Dad" quotes on the hike. I wish I would have written some of them down. One was to the effect of, "Simone, hiking consists of focusing and watching where your feet go, so let's do that."


Lauren said...

I love Josh's words of wisdom. And little peanut looks like a TALL little peanut in these pictures. Has she grown alot? So cute, and so happy to see pictures! Glad you guys had fun at Sundance.

Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

Cute, cute family! Ella is growing up so much!!!
Love you.