Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Deli.....

Have I ever told you how much I love her? Truly, the love is deeper, purer and more precious than one can put into words.

Did I also tell you that her tantrum at Ikea today made all of the other parents proud of their own children? Possibly very, very happy and content that they were holding cute, quiet, cuddling babies!!!

All I could think was, "I wish I had a video camera so that I could show her in 15 years what she's putting me through!"

We all made it out alive, I even gave her a kiss as I strapped her into her car seat- but boy, I need a nap!


Kristin said...

I love days like those! She really is a doll!

Lauren said...

I LOVE Deli Bear! She's so cute! Even if she does throw tantrums. I bet they're cute ones (even though you may not think so at the time)