Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Terrible 2s, Terrific 3s and _______ 4s?

This sweet face looks innocent - right? Think again!

Scene at our house 3 days ago: Ella and Adele are under the kitchen table playing "clubhouse".
Ella: "Adele, pick a secret password. It can be any word, any word at all." She then leans over into Adele's ear and whispers, "Adele, say poopers."

Me: (sternly) "Ella!!!"

Ella: "Or butterflies, or bubbles."

Oh man!

Scene at our house yesterday: I'm about to put Adele down for a nap.

Me: "Adele, it's time to go take a nap."
Adele: "No mom, play!"
Ella: running over to Adele and whispering in her ear, "Adele, just go hide."


Two other times Ella has tried whispering mischievous things into Adele's ear. Each time I tell her the importance of being a good example and doing what's right. She finally looked at me today and said, "mom, how can you hear me? I'm whispering!" I told her that moms can hear everything. She seemed satisfied with the answer, but then answered back, "yeah, but dad's can't!"

Anyway, her birthday is around the corner and I'm a little hesitant what the 4 year old age has in store for us! :)


bbond said...

wow! love the stories. Love how mom can hear and dad cannot. So funny.

Evan and I will be back in Naperville in 1.5/2 weeks, Excited to see ya'll.

Kristin said...

Ha ha so funny! There is a lot of power in being the older sibling. It sounds like she's already figured that out!

candicetheresa said...

There is NO WAY!!!!!! Oh my heck! This girl has got you working!!! hilarious!!!

Lauren said...

I LOVE the sneaky little one :) Such a funny girl. :) I can't believe she's going to be 4 soon! YIKES!

Julie said...

This sounds exactly like Eden and Dean. Too Funny! I really like the Dad comment. It sounds straight out of Edens mouth.

LauraJ said...

Love it Lindsay! As one older sister to another, isn't half the fun getting the younger ones to do the dirty work? Just don't tell Annie I said that ;)