Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Everett!

We just got back from a great trip to Minnesota. One of the highlights of our trip was that our little buddy turned 1!

I'll have to post more pictures of our trip in a later post, but here's a post dedicated to the big guy.

Here he is sporting a pizza face, very proud to be sitting at the kids table.

Showing some love to the camera, post swim.
Bonding with Uncle Jesse at the Stark/Ryberg Picnic
Showing off some one year old skills.
Never too young to play duck, duck, gray duck!
And showing that he knows how to do it right. There's no messing around when cake is involved!
Happy Birthday Everett! We love you so much! Thank-you for bringing joy to our lives!


Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

Cute little buddy! We love you so much Everett!!

Ashley said...

Happy Everett Day!

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness! He's WAY TOO cute! I can't believe he's one! Love him!!

beezbond said...

welcome home
and happy birthdday

Kristin said...

Everett is already one???! Wow! I know I've seen pictures, but it seems like he was just born the other day. He is such a cute little guy. So glad he had a great birthday!

lesley said...

Happy Birthday Big E! Your family sure is lucky to have you and you sure are lucky to have your fam!

ps. oh my word, i can't even see those words they're asking me to write to prove i'm not a robot. This is time #4!~!!!!!!! .....and counting....