Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

These pictures are duplicates from what I posted on FB, but I'll narrate the photos here on the blog!  I know, get excited! ;)

These first two pictures are from the Trunk or Treat at the church.  The girls were so excited, and it didn't disappoint.  After collecting their loot around the parking lot we headed indoors for food and games. We left their buckets in the car and consequently they ate a great chili dinner and had a fun time with the games.  We played the cupcake walk over and over until we won.  We then did the glow maze and the beanbag toss.  It was a success, check, check, check!

 The next three pictures are from our pumpkin carving afternoon.  We usually carve pumpkins a day or two before Halloween as a family activity; however, this year life got crazy.  I was tutoring one night and we had another activity another night.  At any rate, Halloween came and we had no carved pumpkin!  The girls and I spent the afternoon doing the job.  Deli loved helping and scooping out the guts.  Ella, who spent the whole day in costume, didn't want to get messy.  She decided to cheer us on from a distance.

 Everett was a good sport in his costume and didn't mind it too much.  He was the cutest!
 My cute buddy!
 Halloween night we went trick or treating and had dinner with family and friends.  We had a really great time.  Everything went well, the kids were happy, good listeners and actually ate more healthy food than candy, again, check, check and check!

**The one downer was that our poor Deli participated in some full contact trick or treating.  She finished with one large goose egg and a scratch down one side of her forehead.  I think it was a mixture of excitement, navigating a lot of steps and a semi-restricting mermaid tail.  She did rebound well and didn't let it slow her down....she's a trooper! 


Kristin said...

It all looks so fun!! Adelle looks so old in that first picture. I can't believe how big they are all getting. And good work on still getting your kids to eat regular food after the trunck or treat! What an awesome mom you are!

Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

Love those mermaids and tiger!!

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE these pictures! I love that the Stark Sisters were mermaids :) And seriously, could Everett be any cuter?? Glad you guys had a fun Halloween (all goose eggs aside..poor Deli).

beezbond said...

Too cute