Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hawaii or Bust!!!

33 weeks pregnant or we go! We're excited to be leaving for Hawaii. We're planning on drinking a lot of smoothies, and just relaxing. We'll give you the update when we get back.

Here is a picture of where we will be in a short 48 hours! We will miss all of you ;)
When I mapquested where the church was located, so that we could go on Sunday, this is what the map said. Looks like it will be wet....but very fun :)
My mom keeps telling me that I need to stop clip arting pictures into my posts. She thinks people want to see what pregnant Lindsay looks like right now. Well here's a treat for you. When we get back, not only will we post pictures of pregnant Lindsay, but maybe even pregnant Lindsay on the beach....whoo hoo!


Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! The whole blogging world will be happy to see actual photos of Lindsay and Josh!!!

Can't wait to go to Church in Hawaii on Easter Sunday! Is it a cruise or what?!

Anonymous said...

Lindsay, my long lost friend... I just came upon your blog which I must have saved in my favorites a long time ago. I've included a link to yours on mine so hopefully we can get reaquainted through the internet. I hope you have a great time in Hawaii! I voted for you to come to BYU but only for selfish reasons, cuz I live in SLC now.

David & Eliza said...

I'll be interested to see the church building Sunday too, because Mapquest is ALWAYS right : )

Evan said...
