Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Grandma Wilson

I haven't mustered up the energy to do a large post about or trek home to MN, but here's another snippet for the night. A large portion and highlight of our trip was spending time with family. I love the time that we get to spend with my Grandma Wilson.

Two highlights from our visit with Grandma:
1.) Hearing her talk about her Grandma and how she used to dip raisins in chocolate.
2.) Seeing Grandma light up and smile as my girls danced around, acted like crazy people and gave her big hugs :)

We love you Grandma!


beezbond said...

Thanks for the visit and the post

David & Eliza said...

Fun pictures with June, we love her too!

Lauren said...

So fun! Love the pictures, and I bet Grandma LOVED having you guys visit :)