Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Haunted Hustle!

 Another check off the bucket list!  This weekend Josh and I ran a half marathon together.  It was my first and Josh's seventh.  It was rainy and more hilly than one may desire, but we survived!  We actually had a lot of fun and I'm glad we did it.

We were the sappy people that crossed the finish line holding hands, but the kicker is that the race results had him beating me by 2 seconds...that's just crazy business...I would never let that happen! ;)
 All smiles before the race.

How the kids entertained themselves in the hotel! P.S. Joseph was there supporting his dad (Michael) in the full marathon.  Props to Michael, you made us proud!
 The very capable grandmother who helped our kids cheer us on.  She came prepared with cow bells, lawn chairs and umbrellas.  I think she lucked out that it was a Halloween half marathon and the kids were amused by all of the runners' costumes. 
 Family picture before we headed in the car home!
Thanks mom for helping us out and for having a fun Saturday with us!


Kristin said...

You guys are awesome! I love the headbands! The eat hard run hard especially. Lately I've just been focusing on the latter. ;)

Ashley said...

so impressed. And how awesome to do it together. You are awesome Lindsay- wish our babies were the same age so I could have been ready to race with you!

Lauren said...

Congrats on the half marathon! What adorable pictures of some great looking people!

beezbond said...

Josh , way to beat her!!f

Mom/Mari-Lynn said...

What a fun time! Loved it! We had fun ringing our bells!!

LauraJ said...

Congrats on your race! Love the pics and that pic of your Mom with the kids is so cute!

David & Eliza said...

Congratulations to both of you!!

Marie said...

Way to go on your half marathon! And I can't get over how great you look!